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Watch Equifax’ CEO get schooled in a congressional hearing about his company’s massive data breach

In September 2017, US-based credit reporting firm Equifax revealed that its site had suffered a breach, and 143 million citizens’ records were stolen in the attack – names, addresses, social security numbers, and all. The breach, as we subsequently learned, could easily have been avoided. The company hasn’t yet had to face dire consequences – but yesterday, the company’s recently appointed CEO, Mark Begor (who replaced former CEO Robert Smith after he left the company with a $15 million severance package) was expertly grilled by Representative Katie Porter (D-CA) in a congressional hearing. The brief clip is worth a watch…

This story continues at The Next Web

from https://thenextweb.com/insights/2019/02/27/watch-equifax-ceo-get-schooled-in-a-congressional-hearing-about-his-companys-massive-data-breach/

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