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China landed its Mars rover on the first try — here’s what’s next

China’s Zhurong rover landed safely on Mars on May 15, making China only the third country to successfully land a rover on the red planet. More impressively still, China is the first Mars-going nation to carry out an orbiting, landing and rovering operation as its first mission. Planetary scientist Roberto Orosei told Nature China is “doing in a single go what NASA took decades to do”, while astrophysicist Jonathon McDowell described China’s decision to include a rover in its maiden Mars outing as a “very gutsy move”. Congratulations to CNSA’s #Tianwen1 team for the successful landing of China’s first Mars…

This story continues at The Next Web

from https://thenextweb.com/news/china-landed-zhurong-mars-rover-on-the-first-try-whats-next-syndication

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